Zazzle Marketplace: The Next Big Thing in Custom Products or ….? You Be the Judge

Zazzle market place (

Zazzle marketplace ( has been around since 2005, offering a platform for designers and shoppers alike. It’s a place where you can create custom products, personalized gifts or buy unique items designed by others. But in this crowded market, one wonders, how well is it really doing in the competitive world of online marketplaces?

Recent data from Semrush shows Zazzle ranking 9,789th globally and 3,175th in the US for web traffic. Not bad!  Zazzle is pretty popular with independent designers, seller and DIY create your own crowd. They’re pulling in about 7.56 million visits a month, with people sticking around for an average of 15 minutes per visit. That’s not bad engagement. Most of their visitors (57.27%) come from the US, with India and Mexico rounding out the top three. But here’s where it gets interesting. Nearly half of Zazzle’s traffic (47.9%) comes directly to the site. That could mean they’ve got a loyal customer base, or maybe their marketing is on point. Google sends another 16.9% their way, which isn’t too shabby either.

Now, let’s talk about the elephant in the room: mobile traffic. A whopping 60% of Zazzle’s visitors are browsing on their phones. That’s why you might’ve noticed the site looking a bit different lately – they’re optimizing for mobile users.But it’s not all smooth sailing. Some users in the Zazzle community forums have raised concerns about traffic to individual stores within the platform. On community forums there’s been chatter by some about whether these stores are even visible to customers or indexed by search engines. However, there are a large majority of them, especially who have skills and resources to promote products online through their websites or social media and diy create your own personal gifts crowd praise Zazzle’s customization features, especially on mobile. Zazzle has an attractive sellers commision they offer, and you can sign up for their affiliate program as well.  It seems the platform does well keeping up with changing user habits, even if it means some growing pains along the way.

Now, we’d love to hear from you. Have you used Zazzle, either as a buyer or seller? What’s been your experience? Drop a comment below and share your thoughts. Your real-world experiences could help others decide if Zazzle is the right platform for them. Remember, every marketplace has its pros and cons. What works for one person might not work for another. So, whether you’re a die-hard Zazzle fan or a buyer or a seller who may have had some bumps along the way, your perspective matters. Let’s keep the conversation going!

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